Commercial Irrigation Management.
Service companies like ours salivate at the opportunity to work with a new commercial client. Commercial clients need to have a deep trust developed with their vendors and we do not take this for granted. We would like to believe that trust blankets all, but our focus is to add technology to validate that trust level. Our technicians are time stamped at the beginning and the ending of each job. When the technician is finished with the job a completion notice with the details of the repair is emailed directly to the property manager. The property manager no longer has to wait for a billing to find out if a technician was to their site or not. Billings can be sent for individual properties or a combination of properties to one billing place. Property managers who represent regional areas can depend upon our technicians and service technology to ensure their tenants are being well taken care of.
We provide Start up, RPZ Inspection, Repairs, remodels, emergency repairs, year end winterization and storage of meter and RPZ if needed. We employ a full time office staff to schedule work so our technicians can do what they do best.
Off Site monitoring services
Some sites such as Home owner Associations and large commercial properties need to have more attention than just monthly visits. We can equip the system with flow and leak detection. In the event that there is a ruptured line, notifications are sent out to our company and the property manager. The system will automatically shut off the water saving the customer on the cost of water and further damage to the property or the building foundations.