Residential Services
Your home is your castle, and who you allow inside those castle walls will either weaken or strengthen your home. As an irrigation service company, we may only visit your home or cabin a few times a year and who we send to take care of your system needs to not only be competent in irrigation services but must be trusted to care for the property they are servicing. Our technicians must have at least 3 years of experience in the field of irrigation before they can begin to give service to any of our clients. We identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of our technicians and delegate the repair jobs accordingly. We do not subcontract any of our work and everyone who works for our company is an employee with workmans comp coverage. This protects the homeowner if any of our workers were to be hurt on the job site or if property damage was caused by our company. We are licensed bonded and insured in the state of Minnesota. We also carry a Power Limited Technicians license to work on the necessary wiring within an irrigation system.
Remote Control Technology:
Some irrigation service companies only use remote controls for Commercial sites. We believe that all customers deserve the same treatment. All of our service techs are set with remote control systems which adapt to any irrigation controller, allowing our techs to spend more time servicing the system rather than running back and forth to the controller to operate the system. For more on our remote technology click here.
Lake pumps
Aquatic invasive species have made servicing and owning a lake pump more difficult. Zebra mussels have poised the biggest threat as they have infected our lakes and threaten to destroy our pumps. We have taken the steps to become Aquatic Invasive Species certified Lake Providers. Through the knowledge we have gained through the assistance of the DNR, we have developed systems to help combat the destruction of pumps by zebra mussels. Many of our pumps now have safety switches which detect problems and turn off the system before damage happens. Our monthly notification systems via email notify the homeowner when lake conditions are bad and what they need to do or have us do on their behalf to protect their pump system. Our service technicians carry all of the pump diagnostic systems on board to test pumps and to determine problems and solutions on site, saving the homeowner time and money.